This School is committed to providing an environment for the delivery of quality teaching and learning by:
Promoting the rights and safety of all learners and teachers and parents.
Ensuring learners’ responsibility for their own actions and behaviours.
Prohibiting all forms of unfair discrimination and intolerance.
Eliminating disruptive and offensive conduct.
The Code of Conduct spells out the rules regarding learner behaviour at the School and describes the disciplinary system to be implemented by the School concerning transgressions by learners. The Code of Conduct applies to all learners while they are on the School premises or when they are away from the School representing it or attending a School function.
Section 8(4) of the SA Schools Act provides that all learners attending a School are bound by the Code of Conduct of that School. All learners attending the School are expected to sign a statement of commitment to the Code of Conduct (Annexure A). The administration of the Code of Conduct is the responsibility of the Disciplinary Committee of the School.